Brian and Kelly Part 3

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Brian and Kelly Part 3
by MagnusMagneto
Originally Published: July 20, 2012

Brian’s Journal

Friday April 27th (written in class)

Kelly wasn’t in school today.  When I noticed she was absent from health class I sent her a text asking if she was okay.  She responded that her family was taking her to the doctor since they were concerned about her massive growth spurt.  Well, that did make sense.  After all, Kelly was growing at a nearly impossible rate.

Friday April 27th (written at home)

I have to admit that I was pretty anxious to get an update from Kelly.  At around 10 PM she sent me a message online telling me that despite the day dragging on forever, everything was alright, and that she wanted to meet up with me tomorrow.  I agreed, and we’ve decided to meet up at the park.

Saturday April 28th

I think at this point it’d be cliche to continue starting off each journal entry about how strange the day was.  Regardless, it was, indeed, yet another strange day involving Kelly.

It was an idyllic, sunny day.  Since the park is pretty close to my house and neither of us have cars yet, I simply walked over.  It’s probably 8 miles away from Kelly’s, so I assumed her mom would drop her off real quick or something.  I arrived before she did, so I waited under the big tree near the center of the park and played around with my phone for about 10 minutes.  As soon as she caught sight of me, Kelly ran up and gave me a hug and practically lifted me off of the ground.  She seemed a little out of breath.

“Oh hey there, you caught me off guard since I didn’t see your mom’s car drive by” I explained, returning the hug as best I could.

“I ran here, silly” she said, giggling a little, fully catching her breath.  She took out the metal water bottle she had earlier and took a big drink from it.  I assumed it was super-protein shake.

“8 miles.. give or take…” I responded, a little astonished.

“Yeah, it took me about an hour to run over here… I didn’t realize I was so slow!  Plus I started getting kind of tired, I must be out of shape!” she said, genuinely disappointed in herself.

“Running 8 miles is great for anyone, and your speed wasn’t too shabby either..” I tried to console her.

Kelly let out a sigh “Brian, I don’t think you get it.  I want to be something more than ‘great for anyone’.”

“I’m sure you will be, but there’s no need to rush so much.” I smiled at her ridiculous determination.

I was dressed in my typical t-shirt and jeans, and Kelly was flaunting her amazing body with her trademark tank-top and shorts combo.  “I got some new clothes, but I want to wear my old ones while I still can… For nostalgia’s sake I guess.” she explained.

“Well, it’s a pretty good look for you…” I said, eying her up and down.   She was at least an inch taller, and her muscles were a little bit bigger.  I was glad she hadn’t grown too much.  As sexy as a super powerful goddess Kelly would be, seeing her transform so rapidly is causing… cognitive dissonance or something.  I mean, I like what I’m seeing, but it still causes me uneasiness since it’s so surreal.

“I’m glad you think so.” she replied, grinning a bit.  “I gotta keep moving!” she exclaimed, as we started to lightly jog.  I’m sure Kelly wanted to full on run, but knew there’s no way I could keep up.

“So how did your doctor’s visit go?” I asked.

“Well.  They don’t have any medical explanation at all for what’s going on.  At first it was just a simple check up, both the nurse and the doctor didn’t understand why I was there; after all, I’m the absolute picture of health.” Kelly grinned a bit wider, intentionally showing off her pearly white teeth.  “Then my parents explained how I was 7 inches shorter and had much less muscle mass a week ago.”  her grin vanished  “Keep in mind… this was really early in the morning.  Like 7 AM.  My parents both had work at 9, and still intended for me to go to school…”

“What happened?”

“At first the doctor assumed this was all an elaborate joke.  Then they pulled out my medical records and realized it was very real.  Next, the doctor started freaking out, making calls.  It was very clear that I wasn’t going to school anytime soon.  Before I knew it, I was being transferred to the biggest hospital within an hour’s drive.  As soon as I got there, they started doing tests.  All sorts of tests.  Blood tests, strength tests, endurance tests, flexibility tests, anti-biotic tests, x-rays, a CT scan, MRI scan, even an ultrasound for god knows whatever reason.”


“Yeah.  Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did tests for the tests, and tests on the people running the tests.  I even saw a shrink for psychological testing.”


“Oh, come on Brian.  We both know that what’s happening to me is supernatural.  I’ve always known.  I’ve just been having a lot of fun pretending that it’s no big deal.  It’s also why I’m so harsh on myself for not reaching my potential faster.”

“Kelly, we have no idea what your potential is, do we?”

“No.  That’s the thing.  My body is already past its genetic physical prime.  According to the experts, I’m 3 inches taller than I would be have been with optimal nutrition and living habits growing up…”

“Is it the protein?”

She shook her head.  “I told them all about that, and they said that stuff, while super duper efficient, can’t bring you past your genetic coding.  As you know, my parents are about average, as is everyone my extended family, and even IF I was genetically coded to be huge, there’s no way I could grow so much in a week without consequence.”

“So… does that mean there’s consequences?” I asked with concern in my voice.

“Not really.  By most estimates, growing an inch a day for a week would cause massive issues for my entire skeletal structure; yet I have some of the densest, strongest bones they’ve ever seen in a girl my size.” A grin returned to her face.  “I should have huge stretch marks, but as you can see, my skin is actually nicer than ever.  Well I guess you wouldn’t know about my skin there, but trust me, it is.  All of the tests haven’t finished yet, but so far everything is either normal or good.”

“How are your parents taking it?”

“Well my mom absolutely loves it. She’s been buying tons of extra food and cooking more meals since I eat so much.  Todd’s still off at college so he has no idea.  Dad…” she took a pause “Dad insists that he’s still in charge and the alpha male.  I haven’t even been disrespectful or anything, but you can tell that he feels intimidated.  What doesn’t help is that mom keeps having me flex all the time, and she feels my arm and taunts my father about how much nicer my body is than his.  It’s kind of awkward actually” she let out a short laugh.  “Last night, after much hounding from my mother, we arm-wrestled”

“Oh boy.” I responded, already anticipating the outcome.  Kelly’s dad wasn’t a particularly small guy, at 5’9″ he towered over me a little bit, but he wasn’t very built at all.  In fact, I might be as strong as he is now that I’ve been working out for a few weeks.

“Yup.” Kelly had to stop jogging so she could laugh.  “We locked hands and I simply let him push against me.  You should have seen it” she laughed even harder “He kept pushing and pushing, and I simply sat there and examined the nails on my free hand.  His arms aren’t tiny, but his biceps barely rose up.  Even without pushing at all, my biceps were obviously well over an inch bigger.  Plus mine simply look rock hard, and have a nice big split in the middle, while his are kind of jiggly.  Then I… ” she practically doubled over in laughter.  “I… proudly announced ‘oh, did we start?’.  Mom was laughing her ass off, then I said ‘ok’ and immediately put his arm down without any real effort.”

“Wow… I really wish I did see that.” I said, joining in the laughter.

“Then, a few hours later…” she was still laughing “Mom asked dad to move the couch.  He could only grab half so he asked her to grab the other half” she started laughing harder “instead of grabbing the other half, she calls me over, and I simply pick the whole thing up by myself!” we were both laughing hysterically “You should have seen the look on his face.”

We started up our jog again.  “So where do you go from here?” I asked

“I get as strong as possible!” Kelly responded very matter of factly.

“No, I mean, your family knows, the government knows, it’s just a matter of time until everyone knows about how strong you are.”

“Well, as long as I can reach super-level fast enough I’m not worried.”

“It’s just that… how will you handle this at school?  Do you have anything in mind?”

“Yeah.  The Central High Spring Athletic Festival this Tuesday!”

“What are you planning on entering?”



“Well everything that I can.  I want to win it all!”

“Sounds like it’ll be quite the event to watch…”

“You betcha!”

We continued jogging for a little while in silence.  After about 10 minutes I started to get tired and slowed down.  Kelly picked up on this and slowed down as well.  She took another gulp out of her bottle.  Unfortunately she didn’t offer any to me, but I didn’t want to press the issue, especially with how she seemed desperate to reach her peak quickly.

“Sorry, I’m just not cut out for super hero work I guess.” I joked, catching my breath.

“It’s okay Brian, I realize that I have to be careful around you or else you could get hurt.  It’s kind of cute actually.” she said with a smile.

My pride was stung a bit, but I’ve slowly been learning that having any pride around Kelly was a bad idea.  I then remembered something I had been meaning to ask her.  “Hey Kelly, remember on Thursday when you effortlessly rested your leg on my shoulder?”

Kelly giggled a bit “Of course!  Want a repeat?”

“Well, it was fun and all, but, have you always been that flexible?”

“Hmmm” Kelly audibly thought out loud.  “Well, I never really tried stretching that much until I started working out.  I heard it helps promote muscle growth, prevent injury, even potentially makes you taller!  The first day I was pretty stiff for a girl… but now…” she proceeded to do a full split without any effort.  “Honestly, this is gonna sound crazy, but I can practically feel my tendons loosening up after every stretching session” explained as she reached over and grabbed her right foot effortlessly.  “Though, the really crazy thing, is they feel stronger every time.  I’m not sure how that’s possible…” she reached over to the other foot.  “But it’s not like anything related to me lately is entirely normal anyways”  With that she stood up

“In fact… somehow, my triceps beefed up even though I didn’t work on them at the gym on Thursday.  It’s almost like they didn’t want to get left behind my biceps”  She flexed her powerfully defined horse-shoes to emphasize the point.

“Plus..” she added “I can do…” the brunette then proceeded to do a full on standing back flip, landing gracefully on her feet “All sorts of neat tricks!” she then bent down, placed her weight onto her hands and walked towards me, on her hands.  “Maybe I could join the Olympics and bring back gold in every event?” she said with a giggle, performing a few hand stand pushups before tumbling back onto her feet.

“Also, I haven’t told anyone, but…” Kelly then proceeded to perform a standing roundhouse kick directly over my head.  “I’ve been reading up on martial arts moves!” she then performed a simple kata to show off her moves.  “I figure that I can really work on that stuff after I build up my body.”

“Jesus Kelly, is there any part of you that hasn’t improved massively in the past two weeks?”

“Well, I stopped wearing contacts a few days ago since my vision is 20/20 now…”

“That’s an improvement!”

“I know” she said, grinning widely.  “Ok, in all seriousness I’m not really getting any smarter.  I mean I learned some new stuff, but I think you’ll always have the edge, mister ‘I score high on every test without even really trying’ ”

I blushed a bit at her compliment.  “Hey missy, I’d trade spots with you in an instant.  You’re like a freakin’ super hero!”

“Not yet I’m not. I just hope I can get there.”  She bent backwards a bit and lifted her right leg directly into the air, she was nearly at a perfect 180 degree angle.  After holding the position for a few seconds she repeated it with her left.  She kept repeating the motion, each time getting a little closer to the coveted straight line.  “This feels so good.  I’m telling you, I can feel my tendons simultaneously getting stronger and looser.”  It sounded impossible, but everything involving Kelly did.  On her fifth attempt, she reached 180 degrees.

After her impromptu stretching workout, Kelly stood up completely tall.  My face turned pale, and she looked at me questioningly.  She almost immediately figured it out and walked over to me.

“YES!  I must be as tall as Dad now!” she exclaimed, positively beaming over her progress.  “D’aww, you’re even cuter when I’m looking at you from above.”

“Hey! I come up to your eyes, you’re not THAT much taller.” I defended myself.

“Stop fighting it so much Brian.” Kelly giggled, patting me on the head.  “Well, it’s been fun, but it’s getting kind of late.  See you on Monday?”

“Of course” I responded.

With that Kelly gave me another bone crushing hug and we parted ways.


Chapter Two     Brian and Kelly Series Menu      Chapter Four


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