[Preview] Equality: Dawn Chapter 1

You can buy this story here: Equality: Dawn Chapter 1

(Check out this post for some backstory involving this story: http://magnusmagneto.deviantart.com/art/Equality-Dawn-Prelude-581162230 )

1.) Introduction

Sup! My name is Dawn. A few years ago, you wouldn’t have thought much about me. I was your average short, slightly chubby, late 20’s (29 – I HATED admitting I was almost 30!) year old girl working a dead-end retail job. Today however… well, we’ll get to that later!

For a while, it seemed that my life had no real direction. I was pretty happy with my hubby, Phil, and while my job didn’t pay well, it wasn’t THAT terrible. Still, I couldn’t help but feel like I should try to become something more. There were countless times I tried to start a New Year’s Resolution to get fit, go to community college, or something else; but every time, I just simply gave up for some stupid reason or another. I guess that, real talk… I’m just lazy! And maybe not the brightest bulb in the drawer, haha.

One day though, that all changed. This crazy scientist company, I think their name was… Equality, or something, decided to auction off a free ‘genetic therapy treatment’ they called it. Some insanity about taking a woman and giving her the same physical potential as a man. The company I worked for ended up winning the bet, and raffled the therapy off for all of its employees. Little old me won it of course! (Or else I wouldn’t be telling you this story, duh!)

I would go into detail about the whole procedure, since that’s probably like, pretty important for the story… but the truth is, I still don’t know much about it. They stuck a lot of needles into me, I went under anesthesia a few times, and there was a fairly long recovery and rehabilitation time. I’d guess that the whole thing took nine or so days. Hmmm… I guess that isn’t THAT long compared to some people’s rehab… oh well.

As for what they did? Well, that’s what this story is about! I don’t really know all of the detail to be honest, though I do remember they told me a few things, to all of which I agreed: I was given the muscular potential of the strongest man alive – possibly more (a bunch of hoo-hah about satellite cell activation, myo-something inhibition, hormone regulation, blah blah blah) ; muscle-cell implants to immediately give me a “muscular baseline”; stronger bones; a prettier face, hair, nails, skin, etc (yay!); better reactions, bones… fuck it – better EVERYTHING! Except for my brain, I guess.

Of COURSE I consented to all of this. Who DIDN’T want to be a buff she-beast? Especially in the 2040’s? Girls being buff had been in style for over two decades now!

One thing that’s probably worth mentioning is that they asked me how strong I wanted to become. Like, they warned me, that they could make me stupidly buff. I told them to go all out, to give me every possible upgrade they had, to give me the maximum everything!

Anyways, that all went well and good. I really don’t have that much to say about the therapy itself. Phil was pretty nervous about it, and all of my coworkers were jealous AF (explicit slang). Oh! I should probably talk about Phil, huh?

So Phil. He’s a sweet guy, really! A tall, lanky beanbag. At this point in the story, he was 6’1” (height stayed the same), and must have weighed like, I dunno, 150 or something? But yeah, he was a full foot and one inch taller than me! (I was 5 feet tall, for those of you who suck at math like me.) Though, despite this, we weighed around the same (hey, I DID say I was chubby…). Anyways, Phil is a mid-level manager or something at an office. I don’t really know what he does specifically, but he made okay money; nothing mouth-dropping, but better than me.

Despite having been together for a few years, Phil and I never really did all that much. We weren’t really interested in having kids yet, and we didn’t really have the time or money to go on vacations. Our romantic life was okay, we had sex every now and then, but we definitely weren’t that passionate in general. I guess it’s pretty safe to say that we were stuck in a rut. A comfortable one, but a rut nonetheless.

Of course, that all changed! That’s the point of me writing this down.

1.5) First Changes

After my initial time at the institute place (they kept me there during my therapy and recovery), there were a few immediate changes worth mentioning. For starters, those muscle-cell implants changed the shape of my body quite a bit! The biggest thing was my shoulders. I had like… man-shoulders! Well, okay, not really, they had this distinctly feminine shape to them – point is, I looked like a girl who worked out really hard to build up her delts! (I was told that women naturally have much weaker upper bodies, in particular their shoulders, which is why it was necessary to straight up implant some muscle cells into me. I asked why they didn’t just implant even more muscles all over, but apparently that doesn’t really work out too well in the long-term or something.)

Anyway, it was kind of weird at first, but after a couple of days, I came to really like my little ‘boulder-shoulders’ (it’s kind of cute looking back at them and calling those boulders!). They also implanted a bunch of muscle cells into my back, so right off the bat I had this small V-taper. I don’t really know how they did it, but the Institute scientists also made my legs pretty yolked (in comparison to how they were at least.) This part confuses me the most. I guess they… massaged my legs with these really weird machines every day. I didn’t even really have to do much besides the basic physical therapy, which was like light bodyweight exercises. Somehow, between machine massages, eating lots of food, and moving around every now and then, those scientist dudes made my legs look like a physique competitor’s!

Back at home, I still had some flab on my tummy, though overall I was definitely a bit leaner and MUCH harder all around. I was glad to find that Phil actually liked what he saw, and he squeezed my muscles a ton. We also had the best sex of our relationship yet the first night I was back! It was soo much easier for me to do cool little tricks, and I had way more stamina than before.

One thing that was kind of funny and memorable was the first night Phil and I sat together on our living room couch watching TV. I was wearing just a t-shirt and panties, and Phil was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I normally wore pajama bottoms, but my hips had become a bit too wide for that to be comfortable. During the show, I stuck out one of my thighs, watching as the big ball of muscle known as my quadricep bunched up; lots of little lines of definition popping out as a result. I moved my thigh back and forth a few times, observing as the muscles danced around. It was so surreal, those were MY muscles! I always had big legs, but now they were muscle legs!

Next I wiggled my foot around, causing the calves behind them to jut out even further. It was so neat how that big bulge of meaty goodness sticking out from behind my shin wasn’t fat, but pure, hard, muscle!

“Damn babe.” I said out loud, referring to Phil. “My legs are pretty diesel, huh?”

Phil gulped. I might be kind of weird, but I actually like it whenever Phil does something like that: gulping, or being nervous, or whatever.

“Y-yeah.” He admitted, staring at my gam.

“Go on babe, feel it.” I offered, bringing it over towards him. I was a lot more flexible than I remember ever being!

“I already did. During that awesome session before.” He offered with a smile.

“That’s true, you did. And I know you liked it. I could feel you get harder after digging your fingers into my thighs.” I said mischievously.

A bead of sweat broke out on his forehead. Adorable!

I spoke again, “Don’t be shy Phil. I may have had a little genetic therapy, but I’m still your wife! We’re married for chrissakes!”

Phil reached over and placed his hands on the limb. As a tall, lanky guy, Phil had big, thin hands. Despite the height difference, my mega-legs made his fingers look pretty small in comparison!

“Give it a squeeze babe.” I ordered.

Phil complied, digging his fingers into the powerful flesh. He could barely budge it! It was like when someone barely squeezes you at all. “You trying?” I added.

His grip tightened slightly, and I could see he was straining, but ultimately my legs were just way too tough for him to significantly press into. I giggled a bit. I had power now. Well, I always did – there’s the old saying that women can use sex as a leverage tool in a marriage, though I tried to not pull that kind of stuff. Now though… I had real, tangible, physical power! My legs were bigger, stronger, and tougher than Phil’s – there was no way around it.

“Go ahead and show me your leg.” I said. I was always a little bossy around Phil, but now that I knew my legs were stronger, it felt more natural to order him around a bit. I didn’t want to degrade or humiliate him or anything, just be a little more dominant and assertive.

Phil hesitated for a moment before half-heartedly extending his right leg. His shorts were covering what interested me the most: his thigh muscles. I reached over, grabbed onto the hem, and pulled them up, revealing a cute, spindly, bean-like leg. I then moved mine closer, and the difference was night and day! It’s true that my leg being so much shorter than his contributed to why they looked so different, but I also had more muscle-mass overall than him. Plus, mine was all decked out with definition, and his… wasn’t. All of this together had a compounding effect, which made me look even bigger and badder than if only one or two of those things were true.

“Flex ‘em!” I ordered. God it was fun to issue little orders like that!


“Flex your legs babe.”

He hesitated once more, but eventually gave in, tensing his leg, causing it to tighten up a little bit. “D’aww, cute!” I declared, “Now let’s see what I can do…” I extended mine, and this big ham-like bundle of muscle popped up. I flexed it, and like magic, the muscles hardened, popping up even further. My legs made Phil’s look downright puny!

I then moved my leg a bit so that my calf was fully visible. That too had transformed quite a bit. I always had big calves, and they were usually pretty darn hard, but now they looked like huge heart-shaped muscles, jutting out without any effort on my end.

“Time for a calf-off!” I squealed.

Phil sighed, and mirrored my pose. His legs were so much longer than mine, but we could still immediately see the sheer difference between the lower parts of our legs: to put it bluntly, mine were huge looking and his looked tiny! Phil always had genetically slender calves that looked kind of small next to mine, but now the difference was really noticeable. I giggled a bit before twirling my foot around, causing the muscle to move accordingly. Phil tried to imitate this, but that just went to show how superior my legs were to his!

That’s not to insult Phil or anything – I still thought he was very attractive, just that facts are facts, and my legs emasculated his! The best part? I actually liked it! Lots of girls are scared of growing bigger muscles than their guys, but not me. The thought of getting totally yolked and being stronger than Phil, not just a little bit stronger, but like… WAY stronger, really stuck in my head. During the first couple weeks of my post-genetic-therapy life, I had lots of daydreams where I thought about what it would be like to become much more powerful than my husband. I came up with cute little scenarios of the ways I’d tease him, and the silly games I’d make him play. Stuff like tightening the pickle jar so he’d have to ask me to do it; asking him to help me move furniture, then just simply moving it by myself after he struggled with it; along with a couple of more outlandish fantasies, like becoming so strong that if we had a flat-tire I could simply pick the car up myself instead of using a jack.

After messing around with Phil a bit more, I was eventually… aroused. This was another side effect of the gene therapy. Between my sky-high energy levels alongside my heightened self-confidence (and maybe unknown tampering by a naughty scientist), my sex drive was a lot higher than before. I initiated some fun, and we had a session that surpassed the last one.

2.) Initial Changes Continued

My appetite was sky-high now. I was eating all the time! Fortunately, that institute place didn’t seem to be satisfied with just giving me the greatest genetic potential of any human being for free, they also loaded me up with a ton of “nutrient dense” food to add into my meals over the next few months. Later that year, I would learn just how much those little rations helped a lot with the food bill! That is to say, I was eating toooons of food.

I don’t remember all the details, but I guess my metabolism was pretty much ultra-charged. It could like… perfectly adapt to how much food I ate. So, for example, if I ate a ton, my mega metabolism would burn it all as extra energy and muscles. Even if I had leftover ‘fat’, it wouldn’t store any extra, except for in my boobs. They told me that if I wanted to, I could go back and have this altered, but… come on, who doesn’t want to eat cookies all day and still be ripped!? On the flip side, if, for some reason, I couldn’t get enough food in a day, my body would slow its roll, and burn less fuel for energy. I was told to avoid doing this though, unless I had to, and to just go all-out and eat everything I wanted to!

Oh, right – so I mentioned that initially had I some belly flab still. That’s true, I did. I was told that if I worked out, my efforts would be rewarded very handsomely. They gave me this long, boring, detailed explanation about how the muscles in my new body would like, activate or something, at a much higher rate than most people. Something about how my, uh, satellite cells I think, would turn on like 3, 4 or even more times than the regular person’s after exercise.

Despite that, I decided to just be my lazy old self! I was told that my muscles were still going to grow anyways, so I figured, why bother sweating and stuff, you know?

A few days after I returned home, my vacation time ran out and I had to return to work. I suppose I should describe how I appeared physically at this point: I was about two inches taller (probably didn’t seem like anything to most people, but it mattered to me!), and I had this wicked hourglass shape to my body. This was pretty much the extent of my height growth, and it came about from my posture being improved and my bones getting super dense. My hips and shoulders were a lot wider than before, and my legs went from puffy to ripped. Cute little muscles popped out of my arms all the time, and a single vein ran down alongside each bicep at all times. My shoulders were round, and a cool collection of muscles popped up behind my neck, my traps I think they’re called. My neck was also slightly tougher, but it looked quite feminine still.

As a result of all of this, my old clothing didn’t really fit correctly. They were tight in the top, looser around the middle, and very tight on my butt! Oh, right! My butt was pretty sweet now. I always had a “nice ass”, even if it was kind of flabby honestly, but now it was a super round and bubble-like muscle-butt!

I got a lot of looks from people, with lots of different emotions behind them. Some people thought I looked great and wanted to ogle me (and my transformation had only just begun!); others were obviously super jealous, especially since they were also in the same raffle; some were downright mean; others still started acting ridiculously nice to me, even if they were jerks before.

Oh, I should probably talk about my job, huh? Well, I was just a clerk at one of the biggest retail chains in the country. I think you already know the type of place I’m talking about. My job was usually just stocking things, or assisting customers. Sometimes I ran the cash registers, sometimes I cleaned stuff, a couple of times I unloaded a truck. You know, just kind of jack of all trades type of deal.

Anyways, I now had a TON of energy. It was sooo easy to get my work done. In the past I’d have a few slumps during the day where I was tired and needed to take a break. Not anymore. It was like I could keep going forever! I was getting so much stuff done that I was doing other people’s work.

Usually when I got home from work, I would be exhausted. Not anymore! Now when I came home, I was rearing to do more stuff. Phil on the other hand was often quite tired. This was a little frustrating, but we still made it work. We were now having sex daily on the weekdays, and usually multiple times a day on the weekends or other dates that we both had off of work.

You would think that with all this extra energy, I would do the logical thing and work out or something. Nope! I never was known for doing the logical thing anyways. Instead I mostly just hung around and watched TV. I started playing video games, which was something I rarely ever bothered with before. In the past I would be so tired all of the time that even the thought of playing a game seemed like too much work. Now however, it was a good way to keep my mind busy. I was way better at them than I ever remember being. It was so easy to see things coming and react to them.

I also picked up the controls to new games way faster than I thought I could. It’s not that I was getting smarter or anything, more like my brain was able to make the connection between my thoughts and my fingers more easily. A couple of times, Phil and I played some fighting games he liked, and I whooped his butt!

Oh yeah! Here’s something I totally forgot to mention earlier: I no longer needed glasses! Before, I always had to wear contacts or glasses if I wanted to see, but not anymore! Kind of a random interjection, but yeah, something I just remembered.

You can buy this story here: Equality: Dawn Chapter 1